Try and say these yourselves ,you will be surprised to see how your body starts responding positively to these words. They have tremendous power.
The Law of Delibrate Creation :-
The second Essential Universal Law is the Law of Deliberate Creation,”-- and this is where the fun begins. You can use the Universe as a catalogue, just flip through the pages and you ask for an experience ,a soulmate , a good relationship. with feeling and that great desire and you Get It..It's that easy, and once you have learned the art and skill of 'asking' the universe , you will realize the ease at which you can create your own miracles in life” – Dr. Joe Vitale (The Secret), that is to say co-create your life. The Law of Deliberate Creation states,
“That which a thought is given to, you begin to attract. What you give thought to with emotion and feelings, you attract more quickly. That which you think about most of the time, you receive.”
When you give thought to something you desire with an expectation, belief and emotion in it, you are then ready to receive it.
Whatever energy/ vibrations we create(thoughts, feelings, etc.) we receive the same back. The Law of Deliberate Creation is to offer a required vibration knowingly, so that nothing comes into your reality by default. Most of the time, you send out vibrations unknowingly. For example, if you are experiencing something that makes you happy, you are raising your vibration and you will then vibrate happiness. And, if you experience a event that makes you angry or upset, you offer the same negative vibration. The Law of Attraction responds to whatever it is you are vibrating by giving you more of the same and that is why we say Law of Attraction is like a Boomerang.
When the application of the of Law of Deliberate Creation is not there, you are an observer and you create your reality by default. If you focus on your current “reality” whether positive or negative, the Law of Attraction responds to that vibration and you get more of the same. Negative circumstances like, fear, worry, doubt, debt etc. the Law of Attraction responds to that negative, feeling and the resultant creation that the Law of Attraction brings about is more of that negative feeling .Deliberately start focusing on what you do want and send out vibrations that are positive, you are then effectively making use of the Law of Deliberate Creation.
Make an Intention for the day and start creating your future.
The Mind Body - The mind also is a body. The mind operates on different frequencies.
A normal person’s mind is working at a frequency between 20 and 14 c/s (cycles per second ) known as the Beta level- The Conscious Mind.
You do all your normal activities , of life in this level of mind. Anything above these frequencies lead to hyper sensitivity and mental disorders.
A person able to bring down his brain frequency between 14 c/s and 7 c/s , by meditation exercises or any other methods , is said to be in the Alpha level-The Sub-conscious or the Inner Conscious Mind.
When you are in the Alpha level, you are able to ‘CENTRE’ yourself, that is practice to be at 10 c/s. This is the perfect point at which you get connected to your Higher Intelligence and get information in the form of Inspiration. This comes into the Right side of your brain hemisphere, which is the Spiritual, the Intuitive part of the brain. This flow of information then goes to the Left side of your brain which we need to give command to the body for taking the Inspired action, without using the logical or the analytical capabilities of this left side of the brain.
The level deeper than the sub-conscious mind is the Deep Sub-Conscious mind , operating at a frequency between 7 c/s and 4 c/s known as the Theta level. This where the Healing energy is activated and you Immune System is strengthened.
The level known as the Delta level, is a frequency between 4 c/s and 0 c/s (so to say). In this and beyond the person achieves ‘Absolute Bliss’.
At the Conscious level, we have Ordinary Intution and enjoy Sexual Escatasy.
At the Sub-Conscious level, we bring about life changing Solutions ( 6.86 cycles per second) and develop Creativity.
At the Deep Sub-Conscious level (around 5.6 cycles per second) we have the ability of Healing ourselves as well as others. and we also experience Peak Performance.
At this level we can change the programme chip installed by nature within you.The planets and the other celestial bodies cannot affect your life.
At the Super Conscious level we become Co-Creators and are in a vibration of Manifesting anything from nothing- just the five elements of nature from which all existence started.
The Law of Gratitude:-
Be grateful for what you already have in your life right now. Focus on the good that is already in your life. It’s easy to think about what you don’t have, but spend some time each day, thinking about what you do have. Start each day by thinking about 5 things that you are grateful for. When you think of each thing, really FEEL the gratitude inside your body. Everything is energy and when you really use your energy in your body, it is reflected outside of you. When you show the Universe that you are already grateful and can appreciate all that it has already given you, it will give you more. Think of the examples I gave about giving a gift to a child. If you were the Universe would you give more to you? Have gratitude for what you already have, and the Universe will deliver you more.
So what do you understand by the word Gratitude.
Keeping ourselves in touch with the Universe , GOD or whatever name we call this Source energy is 'Gratitude'.
Bringing oneself closer to the Universal vibrational level is by Gratitude.
The state of feeling in Unison with nature , you vibrating at the same frequency that the Universe is vibrating at.